The Best Fog Horn Leg Horn Quotes of All Time

fog horn leg horn quotes

If you love funny cartoon characters, you’ll love Foghorn Leghorn! He is a big, loud rooster from the Looney Tunes cartoons. Foghorn Leghorn always has something funny to say. He talks with a Southern accent and always calls people “boy.” In this blog post, we will share the best Foghorn Leghorn quotes of all time.

Foghorn Leghorn quotes are famous because they are very funny and clever. He has a special way of saying things that makes everyone laugh. You might have heard him say, “I say, I say, boy!” or other silly things. Foghorn Leghorn loves to joke around and always has something smart to say, even if he is not always the smartest rooster.

We have collected some of the best Foghorn Leghorn quotes that will make you laugh out loud. Whether you are a kid or a grown-up, these quotes are sure to bring a smile to your face. So, let’s dive into the world of Foghorn Leghorn and enjoy his funniest and most famous quotes!


fog horn leg horn quotes
I say, I say, boy, pay attention when I’m talkin’ to ya, boy!
fog horn leg horn quotes
That boy’s as strong as an ox, and just about as smart.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Boy, I say, boy, you’re about as sharp as a bowlin’ ball.
fog horn leg horn quotes
That’s a joke, I say, that’s a joke, son!
fog horn leg horn quotes
That boy’s as timid as a canary at a cat show.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Go away, boy, you bother me.
fog horn leg horn quotes
I made a funny, son, and you’re not laughin’.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Nice boy, but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
fog horn leg horn quotes
You’re way off, I say, you’re way off this time, son!
fog horn leg horn quotes
That boy’s as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oatmeal.
fog horn leg horn quotes
I’m cuttin’ but you ain’t bleedin’! Pay attention!
fog horn leg horn quotes
Pay attention to me, boy! I’m not just talkin’ to hear my head roar.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Boy’s like a dead horse. No sense beatin’ it.
fog horn leg horn quotes
That boy’s more mixed up than a feather in a whirlwind.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Boy’s gotta mouth like a cannon, always shootin’ it off.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Fortunately, I always carry a spare set of feathers.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Boy’s always chasin’ a dollar, but he’ll never catch it.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Don’t just stand there lookin’ like an idiot, son, open your mouth and say somethin’.
fog horn leg horn quotes
That boy’s about as sharp as a bowling ball.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Pay attention, boy, I’m cuttin’ but you ain’t bleedin’.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Boy’s got a mouth like a cannon, always shootin’ it off.
fog horn leg horn quotes
That’s the trouble with some people, they don’t listen.
fog horn leg horn quotes
I say, I say, that dog’s busier than a centipede at a toe-counting contest.
fog horn leg horn quotes
That dog, I say, that dog’s strictly GI — gibberin’ idiot!
fog horn leg horn quotes
Boy’s like a tattoo, gets under your skin.
fog horn leg horn quotes
You’re way off, I say, you’re way off this time, son!
fog horn leg horn quotes
Kid don’t quit talkin’ so much, he’ll get his tongue sunburned.
fog horn leg horn quotes
I’m not just talkin’ to hear my head roar.
fog horn leg horn quotes
Boy’s about as sharp as a mashed potato sandwich.
fog horn leg horn quotes
That dog, I say, that dog’s busier than a cat covering up on a marble floor.

Frequently Asked Questions about Foghorn Leghorn Quotes

What are some of the funniest Foghorn Leghorn quotes?

Foghorn Leghorn quotes are known for being very funny. Some of the best include “I say, I say, boy!” and “That boy’s as sharp as a bowling ball.” These fog horn leg horn quotes from Looney Tunes always make people laugh.

Are there any dirty Foghorn Leghorn quotes?

Most Foghorn Leghorn quotes are clean and funny, suitable for all ages. There aren’t really any dirty Foghorn Leghorn quotes since he’s a character made for kids.

Why is Foghorn Leghorn banned?

Foghorn Leghorn isn’t banned, but sometimes old cartoons have jokes that are not okay today. So, some episodes might not be shown as much anymore.

What are some famous Foghorn Leghorn quotes with Miss Prissy?

Foghorn Leghorn often talks to Miss Prissy, a sweet hen. Some famous Foghorn Leghorn Miss Prissy quotes include, “Ah say, you’re lookin’ for a husband, Miss Prissy?” These moments are funny and show Foghorn’s playful side.

Are there any Foghorn Leghorn quotes about medication?

There aren’t any famous Foghorn Leghorn quotes about medication. Most of his quotes are about making people laugh and not about serious things like medicine.

What makes Foghorn Leghorn quotes so funny?

Foghorn Leghorn quotes are funny because of his silly, exaggerated Southern accent and his way of saying things. He often uses funny comparisons, like “That boy’s about as sharp as a mashed potato sandwich,” making people laugh every time.

Enjoy these funny and classic Foghorn Leghorn quotes from Looney Tunes!

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